Après Kiev, le développeur Allemand Crytek Studios vient d'annoncer l'ouverture d'un prochain studio de développement basé à Budapest en Hongrie. Pour l'instant, aucun jeu n'est annoncé en développement pour ce studio, on sait seulement qu'il doit bosser sur le CryEngine 2.
L'annonce complète se trouve dans la suite de la nouvelle.
L'annonce complète se trouve dans la suite de la nouvelle.
FRANKFURT / BUDAPEST, May 19 -- Crytek GmbH, the leading independent German game developer behind the critically acclaimed game Far Cry and the highly anticipated game Crysis, today announced the opening of their newest studio in Budapest, Hungary as part of their continuing strategy to leverage their CryENGINE 2 technology and expand the number of gaming genres for which they are developing new products.
"After considering a number of different options over the last two years, we chose to open our next studio in Budapest because it is both a wonderful city in which to work and live, and because we were able to draw on a significant pool of very qualified and experienced game development talent already in place there.” said Avni Yerli, Managing Director of Crytek. “We think it is a great way to widen our horizons and develop for a new gaming genre while continuing our company’s strategic growth and expansion. It is also an opportunity to further leverage all the effort that our team has put into developing our proprietary CryENGINE 2 technology while building on our tradition of producing the highly innovative and creative kind of games for which we are known."
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