Factornews nous apprend que 3Drealms, société developpant le très ponctuel Duke Nukem Forever, fait appel au bon vouloir des internautes pour lui proposer des idées de scripts auquel notre bon vieux Duke serait confronté. Voici le post laissé par George Broussard sur le forum et annonçant ceci, avec un exemple :
So...L'idée n'est pas fondamentalement mauvaise, mais on est en droit de se poser tout de même quelques questions. Où en est le developpement ? Est-ce les personnes ayant donnés des idées qui seront retenues gagneront quelque chose ? Sont-ils tellement à court d'idées qu'il faille demander à la communauté de les épauler ?
Assume there are Pig Cops running wild through Vegas and fighting against Earth forces or harrassing human civilians.
Feel free to post any interesting scripted events that contain the above elements. Nothing too complex. I'm talking about little 5-8 second things that you can see happening in the distance, or as you enter a new area, or whatever. Nothing that's 20 seconds long. Nothing that's going to invole 20 actors.
Examples: You walk up to a corner and see a Pig Cop dragging an EDF Soldier by his feet behind the wall. Or you walk up and see a Pig Cop holding an EDF Soldier off the ground with 1 arm, choking him, then he tosses the body aside.
think action moives. Think short, sweet and focused and things that aren't so complex you have to worry about interrupting them.
We have plenty of ideas, but it's always good to hear from people that play games.
I'll check back from time to time.
En tout cas, les gens participent sur le forum, avec déjà plus de 3 longues pages de post. Quelques idées semblent "sympathiques" :
- A pig in a Max Payne outfit and imitating him.
- Some Pigcops or Aliens, Who tries to play Russian Roullete... (Maybe with an Automatic pistol )
- An EDF sniper on a rooftop taking time off between shots to carve a notch into the wall to "keep score".
- Celine Dion onstage, perhaps singing a bit of "My Heart Will Go On," when a facehugger/leech jumps up onto her face from the audience.