
Il y a quelques jours, HomeLan Fed commençait un classement concernant les meilleurs FPS. Notons que le choix n'est pas fait en fonction de la qualité du jeu (Meilleur jeu), mais en fonction de ce qu'ils ont apporté au genre FPS (dispositifs graphiques et autres éléments).

C'est ainsi que Wolfenstein 3D - 1992 prend place dans le top 10 :
id Software?s WWII blast fest was initially inspired by an old 2D game called Wolfenstein but the developers took that premise and uploaded it on its ear with Nazis, dogs, and other enemies coming at the player. The game took the player through mazes of treaure, food and of course the cyber Hitler. The game made World War II more like an Indiana Jones adventure rather than a serious war game.

De même pour Doom - 1993 :
d Software?s second first person shooter took the battle from the near past to the far future as one lone Space Marine heads to Mars where it seems a dimensional portal has turned the humans into evil zombies and creatures seemingly from Hell itself are all over a wreaked station and turning it into their own image. The space marine has weapons and a lot of courage and skill but will that be enough to stop the inter-dimensional invasion?

Pour les huit autres faisant parti de ce Top 10 FPS, il faudra attendre encore quelques jours.

par BalSagoth Commenter
Partager | Source : HomeLan Fed

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