
  • Une nouvelle version du mod Night's Edge Wet Works d'UnrealTournament est maintenant disponible. Il s'agit de la version 1.2.
    The Night's Edge 1.2 update is currently undergoing testing, with lockups and crashes a thing of the past! (We hope.) So we'll be taking this opportunity to make sure everything is working smoothly and the new cyber prices are pretty well balanced.
    A télécharger sur le site officielen page de "download".
  • La démo de Raven Shield vient d'être mis à jour. Cette "update" est disponible en deux versions sur ces miroirs : La liste des changements est disponible en page de commentaires.
par BalSagoth 1 commentaire par



(#0) 07 janvier 2003 à 19h36
Bugs we fixed in the Demo Raven Shield patch: <br />
<br />
Floating elements (HBS/Helmets/Grenades) <br />
Connection for slow PCs (which cause a black screen) <br />
Getting stuck on ladders <br />
Switching weapon <br />
Sound Error Messages <br />
Fix some cheat issues <br />
Death Physics improvement <br />
Misc. Network Optimization <br />
A countdown has been added in the beginning of each round <br />
Other than that, here are some new additions: <br />
<br />
Goal: Green team must escort a downed pilot, played by one of their own, to the extraction zone. Red team must prevent him from reaching the extraction zone. <br />
New Map: Import/Export Company <br />
Location: Porto Alegre, Brazil <br />
Arm Patches features - Officially added. <br />
We also adjusted the speed of the player, the explosive ranges, the reticule speed, and miscellaneous message time (Chat and Drawing Tool [F4]) <br />
<br />
[!] Commentaires fermés pour cette nouvelle.