Electronic Arts a mis en ligne les deux DLC pour Medal of Honor. Le premier, « Clean Sweep » est gratuit, tandis que le second, « Hot Zone », est payant (environ 10 euros). L'éditeur a également patché le titre en touchant ainsi au mode solo, change les points de respawn sur une bonne partie des cartes et divers changements impactant des points mineurs de gameplay.
La liste complète des changements se trouve dans la suite de la nouvelle.
La liste complète des changements se trouve dans la suite de la nouvelle.
Single Player
- Fixed the CAS issue that prevented some players from firing at certain vehicles.
- Fixed a rare issue in Bagram that would cause areas of the map not to load in a timely fashion.
- Lowered scores on all defensive support actions
- Changed spawn points on Shah-i-Khot Mountains, Combat Mission
- Changed spawn points on Kandahar Marketplace, Sector Control
- Changed spawn points on Kandahar Marketplace, Team Assault
- Changed spawn points on Diwagal Camp, Sector Control
- Changed spawn points on Kunar Base, Sector Control
- Changed spawn points on Kabul City Ruins, Sector Control
- Changed spawn points on Kabul City Ruins, Team Assault
- Changed spawn points on Garmzir Town, Sector Control
- Changed spawn points on Garmzir Town, Team Assault
- Tweaked damage on M16 and M24
- Tweaked damage on M4
- Added Hot Zone and Clean Sweep (added the levels/UI changes in server browser etc)
- Server browser makes snapshot instead of subscribing to servers
- Fixed hang when joining on a friend that’s playing on a password protected server
- Ribbons and medals no longer appear on unranked servers
- Added aiming spot in binoculars in hardcore mode
- Added text chatting while dead and in end of round
- Increased the points needed to win a domination/tdm game
- Decreased accuracy while shooting from the hip
- Increased the amount of recoil and spread
- Added server details in loading screens and spawn screen
- Fixed an issue where holding your breath and moving forward would take you out of scope