Cette extension (gratuite) se téléchargera automatiquement avec le patch à partir de Steam. Si ce n'est pas le cas, relancez votre client.
New game mode: DRUG WARS.
Drug Wars is a fast paced capture the flag/base defense game that can be played by up to 32 people on four teams (multiplayer only).
Capture the drugs, stash the drugs, defend the drugs. The team that holds all of the drugs simultaneously wins.
Drug Wars features four new vehicles, updated weapons and exciting and unique gameplay!
Bug Fixes
* Added effects for environment interaction
* Made it easier to pick up objects
* Made it less likely that charged objects will kill the thrower when thrown
* Fixed bug where wrong effects were being shown for weapon tracer
* Fixed multiple crash bugs
* Updated the sniper scope
* Tweaked all weapons
* Turned off the outline by default (can be enabled by typing "r_drawoutline 1" into the console)
* Dead bodies no longer blow up when shot
* Fixed a bug where some weapon sounds weren't playing
Bug Fixes
* Updated scoreboard
* Added radar and minimap for Drug Wars games
* Fixed multiple bug with selecting weapons while spectating or driving a vehicle
* Added swimming and falling animations
* Decreased player fall damage
* Made it so Team Deathmatch and Drug Wars games can have between 2 and 4 teams
* Added map rotations
* Extended distance over which players can see enemy health bars
* Fixed multiple bugs in projectiles that stick to players
* Added taunts to multiplayer (can be activated by pressing T)
* Players on your team now have their names above their heads
* Friendly fire is now off by default