
merchantsofbrooklyn_005.jpgPaleo Entertainment vient de sortir un gros patch pour Merchants of Brooklyn afin de corriger quelques uns des nombreux bugs du jeu, sorti en version Alpha. Cette rustine impacte le mode solo et le mode multi. Malgré ces corrections, ce patch semble mineur comparé aux problèmes rencontrés par les joueurs avec le jeu, on ne trouve par exemple mention d'optimisation qu'avec certaines particules, alors que c'est tout le jeu qui nécessiterait un travail d'optimisation. Au niveau du multi, un serveur dédié fait son apparition, ainsi qu'un server browser amélioré, et bien évidemment d'autres corrections.

La liste complète des changements se trouve dans la suite de la nouvelle.


* Cheats are now enabled in single player
* Fixed a bug where too many flames would appear when you blow up enemies with a fire weapon
* Fixed a bug where flames would appear in the wrong situation when blowing up enemies
* Fixed some issues with the final boss
* Optimized some particle effects, which should give a slight increase in performance
* Added first- and third-person charge animations for Split Shot
* Fixed ocean rendering in security room of Bottom Dweller
* Patched some holes in Shanty Town that let players go places where they shouldn't be able to
* Changed Shafter to use a burst shot for the charged fire instead of a shotgun
* When going from the Prison to Slums, the Split Shot will no longer be taken away
* Fixed some dialog issues in the Bottom Dweller
* Fixed some problems with the geometry in the Prison walls
* Fixed a lot of issues with sounds playing when you're too far away to hear them


* Added a dedicated server
* Added a name display to multiplayer so you can see who you're shooting
* Decreased the number of rockets the Split Shot shoots when fully charged
* Added many more pickable objects to Undercity Casino multiplayer level
* Fixed multiple bugs with picking up/charging objects in multiplayer
* It is now much less likely that you will charge an object and kill yourself throwing it
* Multiplayer games now show the correct number of players in the server browser
* Fixed multiple issues with projectiles showing up in multiplayer games
* The scoreboard in team games now shows deaths correctly
par utr_dragon Commenter

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