
Avec l'E3, on s'attendait à voir déferler une multitude d'informations au sujet de S.T.A.L.K.E.R., mais son absence nous a bien vite remis les pieds sur terre. Certains fans se sont même demandés si les développeurs n'étaient pas morts ou avaient tout abandonné...

Mais grâce à un fan du nom de Siro, qui suit attentivement tout ce qui se passe sur les forums officiels, aujourd'hui, on en apprend un peu plus sur ce que font les développeurs en ce moment.

Il y a quelques temps, le numéro de téléphone de la société des développeurs a été divulgué sur les forums officiels et ce bon Siro a essayé de leur téléphoner il y a peu. Après quelques coups de fil et de la patience, il a réussi à joindre Oleg Yavorsky en personne qui a bien voulu répondre à quelques questions, tout ça, au téléphone !

Ce que l'on peut apprendre sur cette interview peu banale, c'est qu'il n'y a toujours aucune date de sortie de prévue, comme on pouvait l'attendre, que les développeurs continuent de coder à longueur de journée pour nous livrer un très bon jeu, qui ne sera pas fini à la hâte, et enfin, que les mises à jour du site officiel sont un peu longues à venir car ils sont débordés en ce moments mais elles viendront.

Pour ceux qui voudraient lire la conversation téléphonique, qui mérite le coup d'oeil, elle se trouve dans la suite. En tout cas, merci à toi Siro !

"BOTTLES!! THROW THE CONFETTI!!! EAT THE GRAPES AND CHEESE!! It is wednsday and I just made the call. I said I am representing the forum, the english side. This is the conversation:

Siro: Hello, is this GSC game world?
The following is translated from Russian
Woman: What?
Siro: Soryy, could you please tell me where I just got through?
Woman: This is GSC Game World.
Siro" *silently does happy dance* Yes, I am a representative from the Stalker forum, the english side.
Woman: Are you suing us?! Are you a lawyer?
Siro: No, of course not, I justwant to ask a few questions for the forum, if it is not too much trouble.
Woman: English side? Please call a different number, it is the same, but with 03 or 05 at the end.
Siro: Thank you.
Conversation two:
Woman: Hello.
Siro:Hello, sorry to bother you, but I couldn't get through with the other numbers you gave me.
Woman: You couldn't? What company did you say your were from?
Siro: Ha, I am just calling to ask some questions for the english Stalker forum. Can you answer some of them, if you are not too busy?
Woman: Sorry, that is not my department, I don't have any information, so I think I can't answer any of your questions.
Siro: Oh, ok. Could you tell me, is Oleg Yavorsky currently at the office?
Woman: No, Oleg is not here at the moment, you can call back in five minutes, I think you'll get through then.
Siro: Thank you very much."

5 minutes later...

"Siro: Hello is this GSC office?
Man: Yes, it is, can I help you.
Siro: I am calling to ask some questions for the Stalker forum. If it is not too much trouble, could you answer some questions for the forum?
Man: Of course! Depending on what kind they are.
Siro: Perfect! Could you announce the release date you have planned, or do you not have one yet
Man: we do not have a planned release date at the moment, but we are working our asses off for our fans, so don't worry, we think about you.
Siro: Great! Some sites say that you will release it on June 2005 or July or do you think it will be released sometime 2006?
Man: Well, the game is coming along nicely, we are working and implementing some features into the game and trying to finish as soon as possible. don't worry, it won't be a rush job, I guarantee it.
Siro: Great to hear that. There are some people who say that Stalker is nothing but a cruel joke and nothing more than vaporware, could you please end that myth once and for all?
Man: Yes, Stalker is going to come out 100%! The job is burning hot, that's how hard we are working on it right now.
Siro: Awesome! Is everything alright in Kiev? You guys were alive and well at the time of the silence, right? Some people thought you all died, I did too.
Man: Haha Yes, the site not being updated, well we had some trouble with the staff, everyone has a set job, and no one person can intrude on another's job, and most people are busy, so that is why we are having so much trouble updating.
Siro: Thank you. Umm, the World Researchers, can you tell me why they aren't being updated?
Man: Well, like I said before, there is a person who writes, a person who translates and a person who posts, they all work separately and the updates were also lost. But rest assured: the update will come soon, and please forgive our silence.
Siro: Thank you, I am so happy that I finally got through to you guys, the fans are all faithful [excluding some people, but they are an unfaithful few] and waiting. I am witgh you guys all the way and you can count on me buying thegame as soon as it comes out.
Man: Great to hear that, we have been getting a little depressed lately.
Siro: Well, now you have 100% assurance that we are with you guys, and we will wait as long as it takes. And one more thing, could you please tell me who I am speaking with? No one will believe me unless I state who answered the phone.
Man: Ha, that makes sense. I am Oleg Yavorsky.
Siro: *head almost explodes from happiness* Oh my goodness, you are exactly who I wanted to speak to!!!!! Thank you for answering my questions.
Oleg: No problem. I was glad to reassure you guys. Um, where are you calling from?
Siro: Moscow, Russia.
Oleg: Wow, long ways off. Well, I was glad to talk to someone outside of the press for once.
Siro: don't mention it, I should be thanking you, I just feel so...happy now. I haven't felt like this for a long time. Thank you, and if anyone has any other questions, I'll call you guys if you aren't too busy.
Oleg: Awesome, looking forward to it!
Siro: Once again, thank you and good luck. Bye.
Oleg: Dos Vedanya!

*click* I put the phone down first, and walked to the computer, almost exploding from this feeling of happiness. *** glad to serve the forum."
par Bibi 13 commentaires, dernier par Hissatsu
Partager | Source : Oblivion-Lost



Rédacteur en Chef/Dieu
Nb msg : 2503
(#1) 27 mai 2005 à 14h34
Un fan fidèle et dévoué. Pourtant Oleg, aussi sympas soit-il ne lui en apprend pas plus sur les updates du site, sur la date de sortie du jeu et toutes les réponses restent dans e vague. On sait juste qu'ils ne sont pas morts dans la révolution orange.
No comment !

Ex admin
Nb msg : 604
(#2) 27 mai 2005 à 14h55
Certes mais il n'y a pas bcp de developpeurs qui repondrait a de tels d'un fan au telephone
El Chê

Nb msg : 13
(#3) 27 mai 2005 à 17h58
C'est vrai moi Jennifer Lopez n'a jamais voulu me répondre

Nb msg : 47
(#4) 28 mai 2005 à 09h59
huhu quelle ingratitude

(#5) 28 mai 2005 à 13h25
Pour Mickael Jackson, c'est facile; suffit de lui dire que tu as moins de 15 ans

Nb msg : 31
(#6) 28 mai 2005 à 14h55

Nb msg : 47
(#7) 28 mai 2005 à 17h31
MDR et aprés on refait les grands classiques de Walt Disney... "viens voir bamby..."
Snakes Master

Nb msg : 29
(#8) 28 mai 2005 à 20h59
Si vous en avez un peu marre d'attendre le génialisime S.T.A.L.K.E.R, y a Boiling point qu'est sorti les gars, ça peut vous occuper... Je dis ça, je dis rien, hein
La plus belle, la plus intelligente et la plus drole des femmes s'appelle Katia. Et elle est a moi !!!

(#9) 28 mai 2005 à 23h29
Au fait, il en est ou avec son procès, Plastic Man ?

Nb msg : 31
(#11) 29 mai 2005 à 01h55
Ils ont du faire une petite pause pendant le procès histoire que Mimic se refasse une petite beautée aux chiotes.

Nb msg : 47
(#12) 29 mai 2005 à 11h00
Je crois qu'un pti tour sur la chaise éléctrique ne lui ferait pas de mal, histoire de calmer ses pulsions...

ps: j'en rigole, mais biensur je respecte les pauvres gosses qui ont eu à subir ce connard!

Ex admin
Nb msg : 604
(#13) 29 mai 2005 à 12h11
On s'écarte quand même du sujet là

Nb msg : 47
(#14) 29 mai 2005 à 14h49
Moi je m'impatiente du sujet plutot
[!] Commentaires fermés pour cette nouvelle.