
stalkerclearsky_030.jpgAlors qu'il ne sort officiellement que demain chez vos revendeurs, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. : Clear Sky vient de se voir doté d'un premier patch par GSC Game World. Loin d'être une petite rustine mineure, cette mise à jour corrige de nombreux problèmes, notamment au niveau des performances du jeu qui se voient optimisées de 5% environ, et des temps de chargements qui sont 10 à 15 % plus rapides. Le jeu gagne aussi en stabilité avec la correction de problèmes liés aux téléchargements et aux sauvegardes. Le mode multijoueur n'est pas en reste avec un rééquilibrage des armes et des classes. Bref, vous l'aurez compris, cette rustine est majeure et indispensable. Attention cependant de bien l'installer AVANT de commencer à jouer au jeu, car les sauvegardes sont incompatibles.

Vous pouvez télécharger le patch pour la version achetée en magasin (version boite) ou le patch de la version téléchargée via le site officiel (57 Mo).

La liste complète des changements se trouve dans la suite de la nouvelle.
• MultiSample Anti Aliasing
• Added use of special cover during fights.
• Improved dynamic lighting.
• Changes to combat balance: some enemies are now stronger.
• Changes to economic balance.
• Added secondary objectives.
• Changed some animations in the multiplayer.
• Improved sorting of secondary objectives in the PDA.
• Added the ability to communicate with storyline characters, squad leaders and guides without holstering weapons.
• Added description of stash contents when purchasing information about the stash.
• Added additional information to pop-up tips in the PDA.
• Changed traders' item stocks in certain areas.
• Changed life simulation balance (event intensity, mutant strength).
• Added the opportunity to get your items back after being mugged at the Garbage. Only part of your money is now taken when you enter/leave the Garbage.
• Added rewards for joining factions.
• Changed the PDA log message filtering system.
• Added flares in Limansk and the Red Forest.
• Increased reward for capturing enemy bases in the Faction War.
• Save/load file names can no longer contain brackets.
• Added use of localized strings in game console, chat etc.

• Game optimization (approximately 5% improvement).
• Overall game stability improved considerably.
• Fixed errors in saving the game, which caused consistent crashes during long games.
• Game loading speed increased by 10-15%.
• Fixed error with the emission.
• Fixed error which caused characters to run around with activated grenades in their hands.
• Fixed random enabling of music which had been disabled in settings.
• Fixed stash errors, including incorrect saving and accumulation (disappearance) of items in stashes.
• Fixed error with automatic failure of a number of objectives, which prevented them from failing.
• Fixed errors in some secondary quests.
• Fixed the guide algorithm. Guides can now take you to more locations.
• Fixed an error which caused the player to become an enemy of Clear Sky.
• Fixed the player's starting position when entering areas.
• Fixed errors in the response of detectors to anomalies and artifacts. The detector no longer responds to artifacts it can't detect.
• Fixed reward at the Duty base.
• Fixed minor issues in the PDA interface and in the multiplayer main menu.
• Fixed errors which caused the game to crash when the player joined Duty.
• Fixed minor bugs in mutant behavior after death (vanishing corpses, continuing animations).
• Fixed appearance of items in crates owned by camps.
• Fixed tree penetrability, including the ability to be penetrated by machine gun fire.
• Improved visual presentation of some anomalous areas.
• Fixed appearance of some Freedom stalkers.
• Fixed some text errors.
• Fixed errors which made it impossible to upgrade some items.
• Fixed the error which made it impossible to use grenades in the player's inventory.
• Characters no longer give out secondary objectives during camp attacks and defense.
• Some traders now sell upgraded weapons.
• Added places to hide from emissions in the Dark Valley.
• Fixed an error with detector activation from the inventory.
• Fixed FPS drop in the main menu.
• Fixed double super-sampling buffering.
• Fixed bug with night vision effect which remained after the suit which provided it was removed.
• Fixed font display in DX10.
• Fixed errors in key assignment in game options.
• Fixed team history in the console following log clearance.

• Added the Repair Base map
• Changed multiplayer balance.
• Fixed health indicator bug caused by using medkits while invulnerable.
• Fixed inventory opening bug, which occurred when the player died in DM, TDM and AH modes.
• Fixed the bug which caused a pause after client connection.
• Buy menu improved.
• Fixed BattlEye support.
• Fixed patching system.
• Fixed incorrect error message.
• Fixed error with movement of items in the backpack.
• Fixed first bullet dispersion.
par utr_dragon 5 commentaires, dernier par leben28



ex archiviste
Nb msg : 302
(#1) 05 septembre 2008 à 11h19
C'est ce que le reste de la presse appelle communément patch 1.01 ?

Responsable Hardware de Zeden
Nb msg : 1500
(#2) 05 septembre 2008 à 16h41
bah nous on suit la numérotation du site officiel
Marchez doucement car vous marchez sur mes rêves

ex archiviste
Nb msg : 302
(#3) 05 septembre 2008 à 21h15
Oui j'ai vu ça. Le reste de la presse est bizarre

(#4) 16 octobre 2009 à 18h20
Marchez doucement car vous marchez sur mes rêves

(#5) 06 juillet 2011 à 21h11
clear sky cool
[!] Commentaires fermés pour cette nouvelle.