La liste complète des changements (anglais) se trouve dans la suite de la nouvelle.
Enemy Territory: QUAKE Wars 1.5 Full Changelog
User Interface
* Added an Auto-Join button to the Limbo Menu
* Added new server browser filter. Players can now filter servers by the maximum number of bots playing
* Revised the 'Hot Server' weightings so lower ping servers are given higher
priority than before
* Replaced Hot Server list with a 'Join Best Server' button in the server browser
* Fixed custom maps confusing the map voting system
* Fixed the Flyer Drone personal best being referred to as Flyer Hive
* Fixed the 'Most Vamptire Damage' typo in Personal Achievements
* Fixed the final Objective in a map not counting towards the Most Objectives Completed end-game reward
* Fixed Player Ranks not showing in-game or on the Scoreboard
* Fixed spectators seeing a defaulted string in the end-game scoreboard
* Fixed transparency options for Tooltips and Subtle Motivators not always saving
* Fixed video options not always saving if a player is using a 'Set as Default' profile
* Fixed the Buddy Player Arrows showing when a friend playing on the enemy
team took a disguise
* Fixed the Objective Bar sometimes flashing red while an objective was being
* Fixed the first bar of a two-part objective sometimes being empty when a
client connected to a server
* Fixed the deployable HUD icons being affected by picmip
* Players will no longer receive warning VO for incoming enemy artillery
* Added g_aptWarning for toggling APT warning on the HUD
* Restricted the g_mineIconSize cvar to values between 0 and 20
* The Fireteam menu will now not show 'next page' unless there are 9 or more players (instead of 8)
* Fixed Buddy Player Arrows showing up as the incorrect colour if that player had a Clan Tag
* Fixed the Objective Bar sometimes changing colour
Ranked Servers
* Locked si_maxPlayers to 24 on Ranked Servers
* Fixed being able to start a match on a Ranked server with less than 6 players
Map Loads, Auto-Downloads, ETQW:TV
* Fixed downloading modifications from the server not working with Vista and UAC
* Fixed the intro movie overriding the Accept Download prompt for mods on game restart
* Fixed the map loading music continuing to play after the load had completed
* Fixed the server crash when clients are downloading files
* Fixed ETQW:TV Relays crashing when clients tried to connect too early
Player Statistics
* Fixed capturing the Energy Cells on Quarry giving no XP
* Fixed certain Achievement stats, such as Vehicle and Deployable kills, not being counted
* Fixed ranks above Supreme Commander displaying as ##### or emptyname
* Fixed Mining Laser objectives giving an additional 40 Soldier XP to the constructor
* Fixed XP Save not working on reconnects
* Added several commands for spectating:
o spectate Client - Jumps to spectating a specific player based on the client number or the player name entered e.g. "Specate Client 1" or "Spectate Client Tapir" for a player called Tapir
o spectate next - Jumps to the next player
o spectate prev - Jumps to the previous player
o spectate objective - Jumps to a player currently attempting to complete the objective or jumps to view a planted HE/Plasma charge (only works on Primary Objectives)
o spectate position - Jumps to a specific point on the map, looking in a pre-set direction, essentially jumping to user defined camera.
* Added the setSpawnPoint command:
o setSpawnPoint next - selects one spawn ahead of the player's current selection
o setSpawnPoint prev - selects one spawn back from the player's current selection
o setSpawnPoint default - selects the current front-line spawn point
o setSpawnPoint base - sets the player's spawn point to the main base (Command Center/Domination Hub)
* Added several cvars for separate vehicle sensitivities:
o m_bumblebeePitchScale - adjusts the vertical sensitivity in the Bumblebee
o m_bumblebeeYawScale - adjusts the horizontal sensitivity in the Bumblebee
o m_heavyVehiclePitchScale - adjusts the vertical sensitivity in the Titan, Cyclops and Desecrator
o m_heavyVehicleYawScale - adjusts the horizontal sensitivity in the Titan, Cyclops and Desecrator
o m_helicopterPitchScale - adjusts the vertical sensitivity in the Anansi and Tormentor
o m_helicopterYawScale - adjusts the horizontal sensitivity in the Anansi and Tormentor
o m_lightVehiclePitchScale - adjusts the vertical sensitivity in the Trojan, Armadillo, Hog and Husky
o m_lightVehicleYawScale - adjusts the horizontal sensitivity in the Trojan, Armadillo, Hog and Husky
o m_playerPitchScale - adjusts the vertical sensitivity as infantry and in the Icarus
o m_playerYawScale - adjusts the horizontal sensitivity as infantry and in the Icarus.
* Added several cvars for automatic recording of demos and generating of screenshots
of the end game score board:
o g_autoScreenshot - automatically take a screenshot of the scoreboard at
the end of a map
o g_autoRecordDemos - automatically starts & stops demos at the start & end
of a map
o g_autoScreenshotNameFormat - auto screenshot name format
o g_autoDemoNameFormat - demo name format
* Fixed the "Deployable Location Approved" VO playing when the deploy
process had not successfully completed
* Fixed the intermittent server crashes some users were experiencing
* Fixed unintentionally skipping through multiple weapons and tools when using the mousewheel
* Fixed the 'Aborting Bombardment' VO not playing when the Airstrike/Violator beacon is in an invalid location
* Fixed spectators sometimes hearing hit-beeps when switching between players
* Fixed player landing sound sometimes playing multiple times
* Fixed some cases of vehicle wheels occasionally being above the ground when they spawn
* Fixed a disguise spotting issue
* Fixed lock-on issues when the MCP is disabled
* Fixed visual MCP deploy issue where it would sometimes come in sideways
* Fixed objects sometimes showing up in the wrong place when playing back demos
* Bots in single player are much more focused on the player and the commands the player gives
* Mission Critical bots will follow you to the objective then complete it once you lead them there
* Bots skill with the Anansi and Tormentor has been improved
* Bots in flyers are now much more dangerous on the higher skill levels
* Bots on Easy difficulty have been made easier
* Bots now understand the MCP changes implemented in 1.4
* Bots are better at accomplishing objectives
* Bots are better at guarding their teams HE/Plasma charges
* Bots keep focused on their current enemy when they jump into a vehicle
* Bots will no longer use mounted MGs if there are no enemies around the MG to attack
* Bots are much better at attacking deployables
* Bot gunners now target deployables
* Bot gunners will more often stay in the vehicle with you
* Bots now drop health crates dynamically
* Fixed bots not driving the MCP on Slipgate
* Fixed lots of cases of the bots having issues pathing to a goal
* Fixed potential bot freeze issue with enemies & hunting
* Fixed Medics not seeing obstacles when giving supplies
* Fixed Anansi pilots getting stuck chasing Icarus players around the map
* Bots will now avoid vehicles 'booby trapped' with Charges, unless it's the MCP
* Bots will now stop and give engineers time to repair their vehicle
* Bot Oppressors will use their Energy Shields more effectively
* Bots can now use all seats in the Bumblebee
* Removed some debug prints
* Lots of miscellaneous bot tweaks, fixes, and improvements
* Fixed the 'Press F3 to Ready Up' tooltip not always displaying
* Fixed the Tooltip frame being completely white on first map load
* Fixed decoy tooltip not always playing
* Fixed Strogg Hack tooltip not playing on Volcano
* Fixed players not turning to face final objective on Outskirts during tooltip
* Fixed not resetting proficiency upgrade VO when resetting tooltips
Fixed Exploits
* Fixed map holes in Salvage, Refinery and Area22
* Fixed an exploit with the Third Eye Camera
* Fixed clients having incorrect spread values for the Scoped Assault Rifle whilst unscoped
* Fixed exploit that allowed GDF to get past Strogg Energy Shields
* Fixed being able to complete certain objectives at a distance