Fier de sa géniale trouvaille qui allait attirer les foules, Eurogamer a donc mis son plan en action et a effectivement, décidé de rédiger un test de deux pages pour les trois cartes du Legendary Map Pack de Halo 3*!
Il fallait bien s’en moquer un peu. Ceci dit, il n’en reste pas moins que, comme à leur habitude, le test d’Eurogamer est complet et bien écris. Celui-ci se trouve donc à cette adresse, dont voici la conclusion :
Le verdict :
In the final analysis, though, it's actually a little hard to see the value in this map pack. The maps themselves are fantastic, as you'd expect, and if you're a huge Halo 3 player then you'll buy them in a flash - but for the more casual types, it seems very steep to pay [trois euros] for each maps which, despite being really good, aren't exactly mould-breaking for Halo's gameplay.
On the plus side, of course, our understanding is that the Legendary Map Pack will be free in a couple of months' time, just like the Heroic pack is now. If you're a nightly Halo 3 devotee, then by all means, pay for this right now, but if not, just wait until the maps are free.
*Figure de style, le LMP est un téléchargement.
*Eurogamer a déjà fait des tests de Map Pack, mais pas sur deux pages.