Une patch pour
No One Lives Forerver 2 : A Spy in H.A.R.M.'s Way (1.2) ayant été publiée jeudi dernier puis retirée par cause de problème technique devrait prochainement être disponible, ajoutant notamment le mode multijoueur deathmatch. On sait qu'il n'y avait jusqu'à présent que le mode coop... J'ai mis en ligne la liste des changements à venir sur
cette page. Merci à
Adrenaline Vault pour l'info.
Mise à jour : La nouvelle version est disponible sur le
FTP de Sierra, et comme il peut être à tout moment en sur demande, je vous suggères alors d'essayer sur
Unity HQ ou sur
Les trois liens donnent la nouvelle version (14 Mo) et le paquet de cartes permettant de jouer en Deathmatch (32 Mo).
<li>Added SCMD system for remote server maintenance.<li>Changed the color of player chat from white to yellow.<li>Updated input code to support gamepad and joystick devices under DirectInput 8.1. <br />
<li>Players should no longer lose their animations when they die while leaning.<li>Player vehicles now get removed properly when the level ends.<li>Hitting F8 for screenshot no longer counts as "any key." <br />
<li>Fixed the bug where you could send empty chat messages.<li>Fixed the bug that caused damage effects to play after the player had died.<li>Changed server directory listing for Internet games to show only the current map's title rather than the full path. <br />
<li>Adding the same co-op mission to the same campaign twice no longer results in a level that can't be completed.<li>Fixed the bug where objects in certain levels would appear in the wrong place on some systems. <br />
<li>Ammo Boxes now disappear whenever any ammo is removed from them and then respawn after the specified time with full ammo.<li>Fixed the 3D sound issue where select and deselect sounds on weapons would play as if they were coming from other players. <br />
<li>Fixed player respawn points to reduce players spawning on top of one another.<li>Fixed the bug where weapons would sometimes fail to fire if the fire key was pressed too quickly the second time. <br />
<li>Fixed an issue with the keyboard configuration where assigning some keys would cause others to become unassigned.<li>Fixed player hit detection so that players crouched under geometry can't be killed by shooting above their heads. <br />
<li>Tweaked the range of certain weapon sounds.</ul>