
Une nouvelle entrevue sur No One Lives Forever 2 vient de voir le jour. Vous la trouverez sur le site web Action Vault. Wes Saulsberry répond à quelques questions sur ce sujet. On n'y apprend pas grand chose de nouveau sur le jeu, l'entrevue consiste surtout à connaitre les sentiments, avis des créateurs sur leur jeu.
Action Vault : Please describe the toughest or most interesting challenge you personally faced during the development of NOLF2. Why was it particularly difficult and/or interesting for you, and how did you address it?

Wes Saulsberry : One of the toughest problems I had on my plate was the creation of large terrains in NOLF2. To make them easier to create, we integrated 3D Max more closely with our tools and that greatly helped. However, with the engine renderer rewrite I still had to spend a lot of time to see what level of detail was possible to achieve as well as meet the requirements from art and level design. That took a lot of time, as our standards were greatly increased over NOLF1.

Another thing that set my time back was that we implemented the texture blending that we use on terrains and other places a little late in the development cycle. There were also some design changes needed for the environments as well as updated occlusion tweaks that were necessary as the new engineering features came on line at different times in the project. All this meant I had to go back and revisit the terrains, oftentimes more than once, instead of moving on to other things. But in the end, everything turned out really well.

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