Le site officiel de Battlefield 1942 a quelques infos concernant la patch 1.2 sur laquelle ils travaillent depuis un petit moment :

1.2 Patch UpdateJe vous ais épargnés du discours éloquent qui précède cette dose d'information, mais si cela vous intéresses, rendez-vous sur le site officiel. ;)
This is proceeding well and we will be going into testing shortly. Some things to note about the 1.2 patch... so you MODDERS pay attention:
- MODs - The game's file structure will be changed with the 1.2 patch to better support mods and expansion packs. (No, we won't be releasing any mod tools with the patch but pay attention to the BF1942 community sites and you'll see that the mod community is already hard at work.)
- Client Prediction - This one's a toughie. We will not be able to address client prediction in the
1.2 patch. The fixes are more complicated than we initially thought. Rather than putting you all through change and counter-change, we want to get it right the first time. So, please be patient…we're aware of the problem and working to solve it.
- Server CPU usage - it looks like we will be able to decrease the amount of CPU time used by the current server. Thanks to all the server admins who have been so very patient and polite in requesting this.