
People Can Fly et Epic Games viennent de publier un patch pour la version PC de Bulletstorm. Ce dernier corrige quelques bugs somme toute assez mineurs, améliore la performance du jeu dans certaines résolutions d'écran et permet le matchmaking pour les possesseurs du DLC Gun Sonata.

La liste complète des changements se trouve dans la suite de la nouvelle.
Allows matchmaking for users purchasing downloadable Anarchy maps (Gun Sonata DLC Pack)
Fix for experience gains bar sometimes overlapping its UI space after matches during XP Multiplier Events
Fix for the Team version of the Double Penetration skillshot not appearing when used against Challenge enemies in some cases
Fix for the MOTD sometimes scrolling too fast after game launch
Anarchy Environmental Skillshot points are now accurate in the Multiplayer Skillshot Database
A player's Quick Match lobby will now properly recover to display "Searching" if the other players in the lobby leave during the map vote tally
Fix for extra points appearing in HUD during the Collapsed Building Echo (was causing it to appear as if the player "lost" points when falling through the doors in that Echo)
Fixed an instance of a crash while the game is reloading checkpoint after player death
Players can now exit the game from the title screen by using the ESCAPE key
Fix for certain resolutions lowering performance (FPS)
Fixes to enforce 2-way muting rules that were not being respected under different circumstances
par utr_dragon Commenter


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