Ce patch se récupère automatiquement au lancement de la bêta.
Note : le système d'amis est désormais fonctionnel, épargnant ainsi le pénible parcours de la liste des serveurs pour rejoindre un ami. Enfin.
- Reduced input "lag"
On machines where the CPU would out-run the GPU, sometimes the GPU would queue up several frames' worth of rendering commands.This could lead to the game having a high framerate, but input still feeling very sluggish.
Now there's a limiter on how many frames the CPU is allowed to be "ahead" of the GPU. Control this setting via Settings.ini. Default setting: RenderAheadLimit=2
- Performance optimizations with biggest improvements on dual-core machines
- Fixed black "masks"
- The soot on buildings with holes in them had a bugged renderpath. We switched that over to a more well-tested renderpath.
- Improved hit-detection
- We've gone through the hit detection logic, and client+server will now give more consistent results.
- Fix for some "rubberbanding" issues
- C4 should stay attached to vehicles and not rubberband around
- Reduced spikes/dips in framerate
- Various fixes for alt+tab related CTD on Dx9
- More fixes for random CTD on Dx9