Comme d'habitude avec Steam, cette mise à jour sera effective la prochaine fois que vous démarrerez le jeu.
La liste complète des changements se trouve — en anglais — dans la suite de la nouvelle.
Team Fortress 2
* Sticky bombs now get a reduced close range damage ramp up (like Rocket Launcher & Syringe Gun)
o Ultimately reduces damage done by sticky bombs to enemies <512 units from the Demoman
* Moved the unlockable system over to the new item backend:
o Added a warning dialog to the loadout screen telling clients when the server they're on could not get their loadout
* Made "tf_damage_disablespread" a replicated convar, so clients can see the value of it on the server they're connected to
* Renamed "mp_stalemate_at_timelimit" to "mp_match_end_at_timelimit", to better explain its function now that stalemate is optional
* Fixed muzzle flashes & shell ejections still playing when viewmodels are hidden
* Server tags can now be used to include or exclude servers from the list
Team Fortress 2 and Day of Defeat: Source
* Protected several more commands from client exploitation