En effet, Stalker-Zone.com nous rapporte l'annonce d'un patch 1.0002 faite sur les forums Russes de GSC. Ce patch, qui ne devrait pas écraser vos précédentes sauvegardes, concerne essentiellement le mode multijoueur en corrigeant quelques bugs.
En plus de ce patch 1.0002, GSC à dores et déjà annoncé la venue du patch 1.0003 sous deux à trois semaines. Plus conséquente que son homologue, la version 1.0003 devrait optimiser le jeu. Ainsi, le changelog annonce une augmentation de 10 à 15 FPS, l'optimisation de la gestion des Dual core et la correction de quelques bugs qui survenaient avec Vista 64. Au niveau du gameplay un nouveau mode de jeu fera son apparition après la fin du jeu. Les moddeurs seront enfin ravis d'apprendre que ce patch ajoute un outil permettant le support des mods.
Les changelogs complets se trouvent dans la suite de la nouvelle.
Release of patch 1.0002
Preliminary second patch changelist:
- Added console command 'sv_listmaps' to view the list of maps queue
- Fixed bugs with player's character health in Multi-player
- Removed standing dead bodies upon connecting to the game
- Fixed inventory items placing system (Free for all and Team play modes)
- Changed the enumeration of the game's version
- Added the region detection to the auto-patch system
- Fixed the crash in some localizations with using numpad
- Fixed the crash upon making the screeshot to a saved game
- Added the support for additional mouse buttons (now they can be binded to certain actions)
- Fixed crash on level "Military warehouse".
- Fixed NPC spawning on player's eyes. Then you are fighting "Freedom" on their base, there was NPC spawning near bridge.
- Decreased a-life reaction time. Now a-life will spawn new NPC more seldom. Also NPC movement speed decreased, then NPC walk on different level, then player.
* The second patch will not erase your saves.
Release of patch 1.0003, Expected within 2 or 3 weeks.
Here is the list of items so far.
- Added avoiding dynamic obstacles for NPCs.
- Added enemy priority function – fixes incorrect NPC reaction on player’s attack.
- Changed the second part of the enemy search algorithm – having lost the player, the NPCs will no longer be baffled.
- Added correct reaction on shots and loud sounds coming from the player (only) on close distances. Render
- Dual core optimization.
- 10-15% FPS increase.
- Added new game mode – freeplay; activated after the end of the game.
- Added the possibility for any character will be able to go to any smart-terrain.
- Fixed the ultra-intense vibration of the grass.
- All monsters drag now the corpses correctly.
- Fixed the situations when the physics get stuck in the floor or in the thin walls.
- Fixed the situations when the dead bodies disappear.
- Reduced the traffic and lags.
- Fixed problems with OS Vista 64.
- Added saved games converter.
- Added MOD Tools support.
Je me demande bien à combien d'unités il c'est vendu ?