
Xbox Mag a pu tester une version preview de Gears of War sur Xbox 360 et pond un petit article assez inintéressant. L'article ne contient pas de nouvelle images et n'est globalement que peu intéressant, le testeur qui croît que Gears of War est un FPS émet des réserves sur la durée de vie du titre, pour l'instant évaluée à 10 heures par Epic Games.

Au même moment sur les forums du jeu, willhaven de chez Epic affirme que le jeu est très dur en solo comme en Co-op.

From a difficulty standpoint, I find Hardcore to be my cup of tea most of the time. I can play on Insane, but I have to be much more careful and methodical about how I progress through the level. I only play on Insane when I'm having a good day and I feel like taking a bit of a beating.

Keep in mind that I know most of the levels like the back of my hand and I still have a lot of trouble with Insane difficulty in many instances.

Even two guys in co-op in Hardcore can rack up a staggering number of deaths if you don't work together effectively... like trying to grenade tag every enemy you see when you've got a grenade (I'm a glutton for DBNO punishment). I spent most of today playing through Hardcore with one of the other level designers and we find many scenes to provide quite a challenge, even for two guys who are good at games and who know the levels.
par utr_dragon Commenter
Partager | Source : Xbox Mag

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