Dans un élan de nostalgie, VALVe s'est mis à vouloir nous pondre une mise à jour pour Half-Life premier du nom. Ne vous en faites pas, votre ami Steam se charge de tout, comme d'habitude, et vous n'aurez qu'à le redémarrer pour profiter de ce patch aux corrections mineures :
HL1 Engine
- Fixed several exploits triggered by malicious server operators (found by Stan Bubrouski)
- As part of the next version of VAC, which is currently in testing, the Linux game server now must have GLIBC 2.3.2 or above installed
These changes bring the HL1 engine's querying protocol in line with that of the Source engine. If you connect to Steam enabled game servers using a third party tool, you may need to contact the vendor for an update.
- Added a challenge number to A2S_PLAYER and A2S_RULES server queries.
Setting "sv_enableoldqueries" to 1 (currently the default) allows old style (no challenge/response) queries to work
- Changed A2S_INFO server query to require the string "Source Engine Query" appended to the end of the query packet
- Removed support for "info", "infostring", "details", "players" and "rules" queries, use A2S_INFO, A2S_PLAYERS and A2S_RULES instead