Voici un communiqué de chez VALVe :
Last week marked the end of the Half-Life 2: Deathmatch level design contest. We received over 200 submissions, and we're going through and playtesting each one. There are a number of great maps in here, and we're already having trouble picking the clear winners. The release of the winning maps will coincide with a release of Half-Life 2: Deathmatch, which will include two new weapons: the Slam and Stunstick.Passons à la traduction : VALVe teste en ce moment même les 200 maps de leur concours, et certaines d'entre-elles sont superbes. La mise en ligne de la map gagnante coïncidera avec l'ajout de deux nouvelles armes dans Half-Life 2 - DeathMatch : le Stunstick (éléctro-fusil) et le Slam (un lance-bombe à priori). Pour finir, la map cs_compound de Dave Riller's est encore en développement, de même pour de nombreux projet, que VALVe nous révèlera sous peu (DoD : Source ? Team Fortres 2 ?)
Also of note for level designers and Mod builders: there will be an update to the Half-Life SDK this week which most notably will include source files for six Half-Life 2 maps.
Lastly, work on Dave Riller's new map cs_compound continues, along with the other projects we're working on here at Valve. We'll have an update on the map and our other projects next month.