D'après MegaGames, Halo 3 serait en développement cette année.
En effet, Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer annoncait il y un an que son équipe travaillait sur le projet Halo 2 puis Halo 3. Voici les détails :
« Ironically the information regarding Halo 3 comes from MS CEO, Steve Ballmer, discussing how secure and leak proof, Microsoft's Information Rights Management for the Office system is. The comments were made on October 21, 2003 during the MS Office System 2003 launch. In order to demonstrate the security properties of the Office System, Ballmer proceeds to give an example: "We're working on the next version -- I hate to tell you this confidentially but I'll have to swear you to secrecy now -- we're working on the next version of Xbox right now and we're working on Halo 2 and Halo 3, the two newest versions of the game.
Now, the plan for those things are super, super secret, top secret type stuff. I mean, they really are, in fact, because if you take a look at our competition with Sony it's a big chess game -- who's going to do what. And the team said, 'Look, we want to send out the documents about this, but we really only want them to go to very few people.' They sent those documents and the e-mail around that protected with Information Rights Management. I got the document. I couldn't print it. I was not allowed. They didn't give me permission to print it. I couldn't Print Screen it. They didn't want to give me permission to do that. I couldn't forward it and when I replied to it, it stripped everything out of the original e-mail so that there was not a trace, not a place for leakage in the system. »
En espérant avoir plus d'informations dans peu de temps, car ce serait vraiment une très grande nouvelle.
il lance Halo3 BANG! qui a été devlopper en même temps qu'Halo2 .Le pire c'est que sa pourais être probable (je sais je rêve). Parce que la fin du jeux nous laisse vraiment sur nôtre fain (un peut comme hl2..) sa fait starwars épisode5.