Dans un communiqué à Blep.net, Gabe Newell annonce :
I appreciate that people are still having problems with audio stuttering I know it's frustrating that we haven't released a "magic" fix but this problem *is* at the top of our list to fix and we've got a dedicated team working on it. This is a tricky problem as you can guess by reading all 650 posts in this thread...people aren't all having exactly the same problem and the solutions people have found are different on most machines.En français maintenant : Gabe est content que des joueurs aient encore le problème du son, bien qu'il sache que c'est très frustrant. Une équipe des développeurs passe son temps à bosser sur un patch "miracle" qui ferait disparaître ce bug classé "ennemi N°1" par VALVe.
We take a great deal of pride in our work and it's just as frustrating to us that you can't enjoy the game that we've worked so hard on. We ARE working on this and hope to have a fix to release shortly.