Sur le nouveau site de la CPL (Cyberathlete Professional League), Randy Pitchford président de Gearbox Software réponds à quelques questions sur Halo. Ce qui m'intrigue le plus dans tout cela :
In less than 48 hours the HaloPC CAL division has seen the registration of over 200 HaloPC teams. What is your response to this overwhelming reaction from the gaming community?On apprend aussi qu'une fonction "recording/playback" est en cours de développement ce qui est une bonne chose dans tous jeux vidéos de nos jours.
Randy : It’s very exciting' and scary. Gearbox is really committed to working with the CPL in supporting Halo as it matures as a competitive platform. However, it can’t do this overnight. So, all these people who are so drawn to Halo’s game play and vision that they have rapidly signed up to compete will notice a few things here and there that they know the game will need before we can broadcast tournaments they’re playing on prime time television. We’ve got a nice list of "to do" stuff and the list is getting more refined every day with constructive feedback we get from our customers. We’ve already implemented some of these features, but it can be an infinite process to adapt the rules for professional sporting purposes. The National Football League has been doing it for nearly 50 years and they are still changing rules every season in hopes of making a better game. No one can expect to lock down a perfect set of rules faster than the NFL has but we’re committed to try :)
En réalité, comme je ne sais pas très bien angalais, je ne sais toujours pas " ce qui m'intrigue " dans cette histoire tu pige ? ... Ta new pour moi ne vaut rien et j'espère que tu va pas me dire " je m'en fous débrouille toi "..
sur ce.. Bonne continuation..