
La mise à jour de Rainbow Six 3 Raven Shield à peine arrivée, déjà des problèmes apparaissent ... Voici le communiqué du site officiel dont lequel on peut remarquer que ce problème a déjà été résolu et sera fixé lors de la mise à jour 1.41, prévue Mardi prochain.
An incompatibility has been found regarding the unlocking of custom missions between campaigns saved prior to version 1.4 and those saved with version 1.4. This problem prevents players from playing solo maps that they have unlocked in campaign mode with a version prior to 1.4 in the custom mission mode in version 1.4. It doesn't affect multiplayer maps or multiplayer play. There is no workaround but a fix has already been found and will be included in patch 1.41, due out next Tuesday. New campaigns played with version 1.4 will unlock maps without a problem and the maps will be available in custom missions. Campaigns saved with a version prior to 1.4 will continue working in version 1.4.
Merci à Blue's News pour l'info!
par Bibi Commenter

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