
HomeLan Fed a eu la chance de discuter avec Nicola Aitoro sur la prochaine expansion de Rainbow Six alias Athena Sword. L'histoire est la suite du jeu original. Le méchant c'est toujours Gutierrez qui contrôle ses affaires de la prison. Toute l'histoire est basée sur quelques armes chimiques, que Gutierrez veut utiliser.

Huit nouveaux niveaux seront à votre disposition, vous emmenant en Italie, Monaco, Croatie et Athènes alors que quatre modes multi joueurs feront parti intégrante du jeu. (Adversarial Terrorist Hunt, Adversarial Scattered Hunt, Capture the Enemy et Kamikaze)

De plus, voici des informations concernant la prochaine mise à jour de Raven Shield.
Patch 1.3: Two major issues were identified and reproduced after the patch was released:

A server crash related to the arm patches
Non-working CD-Keys.

Both problems are being investigated and a fix will be issued as soon as possible.
Patch 1.4: Development is progressing well on patch 1.4. Many bugs related to the netcode have been solved including reticule lock, zoom staying active, a grenade bug, and players getting stuck in ladders.
Some game improvements have also been made including:

Removal of trigger lag
Players will automatically switch back to his/her primary weapon after throwing their last grenade or other disposable weapon.

As of now, there is no ETA on the release of any of these. More info to follow.
par BalSagoth Commenter
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