Alors que rien de nouveau n'a été dévoilé par
Valve, on a encore aujourd'hui un nouvel article traitant d'
Half-Life². Bien que les informations soient les même qu'auparavant, il est intéressant de voir l'hypothèse que fait l'auteur quant à la qualité visuelle du jeu sur la configuration minimale annoncée. On doit cet article à
Does this represent what gamers will need to power Half-Life 2 once it is released? Nope. According to Valve, the Source engine is highly scalable, and the minimum system requirements given for HL2 are quite amazing. Supposedly, a mid-powered PC (700MHz-1GHz) with 128MB of memory, and a DirectX 6.1 capable video card will be able to run Half-Life 2, though it has as of yet to be seen. You can bet that most all visual features that will make Half-Life 2 the most visually stunning game ever will scale way down, perhaps making the game look more like its predecessor. It will be interesting to see.