ePie Games vient d'annoncer la venue de leur dernier jeu sur la Guerre du Viêtnam,
Vietman War : Ho Chi Minh Trail, réalisé par le groupe chinois
Kungfu Studio. D'après
Blue's news, ce jeu pourrait être une nouveauté au niveau de son "Gameplay" :
It is the year 1970. The flames of war in Vietnam burn on years after French troops are dealt a crushing defeat. American troops, sent into harsh terrain and dense jungle, find themselves embroiled in guerrilla warfare with a cunning enemy that uses the jungle to its advantage. The Ho Chi Minh Trail, a Vietcong transport route snaking through thousands of miles of dense foliage, somehow endures the American saturation bombing campaign, and men and armaments continue to reach southern forces down this vital supply line...