Christopher Foster (designer de Raven Software) et Les Dorscheid (artiste) répondent aux
questions de
GameSpy afin de nous expliquer quelques détails sur
Jedi Academy. Vous êtes donc un étudiant, apprenant à devenir un JEDI, mais vous allez tomber dans un univers assez étrange ou vous devrez choisir entre l'ombre ou la lumière (Dark/Light). Vous choisirez votre race, votre apparence, votre genre et le jeu vous donnera un nom. A tout moment vous pourrez quitter la mission en cours et en faire une autre, rien n'est linéaire.
Well, we've got the ability to do so much more with [the] animations to the characters than we did before. We're able to synch the animations up with the environments so much better than we could do before. An example we use a lot is that Rancor can actually touch the wall! We're actually animating the character within the constraints of the environment. So, when he (Rancor) reaches up and puts his hand on the wall, he's actually touching the wall! We never could do that before -- we had to stay away from doing those kinds of things. Now the animation is so much more powerful, it's a new generation, another step.