La nouvelle version 111 (17.9Mo) de
Overload, mod pour
UT2003 est enfin disponible.
Overload is a team-based modification for Epic Games' Unreal Tournament 2003. The aim of the game in an Overload match is to deplete the enemy goal's health by shooting it. Once a goal's health reaches zero, the goal "overloads", and the attacking team scores a point. The goal is to score the most points by overloading the enemy's goal, while keeping your own goal safe.
But there's a twist -- both teams' goals regenerate their health by 10 points every second by default, and team-mates can shoot their own goal to regenerate its health. You'll need to play as a team if you want to break through the enemy's defences and overload their goal, while keeping your own goal safe!
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Le heros du jeu est un squelette en tout cas
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.. m'enfin c'est pas tres grave