Bêta 0.1 de International Crime Syndicate, un mod pour Soldier of Fortune II est disponible sur le site officiel ou en lien direct ici. Voici quelques conseils concernant l'installation :

- Unzip to your /Soldier of Fortune II directory. If you're using winzip, make sure 'use folder names' is checked. Otherwise, make sure the path is maintained when extracting the files.
- To start a server, double click the ics.bat in the /Soldier of Fortune II/ics directory or create a shortcut to "C:\Soldier of Fortune II\SoF2MP.exe" +set fs_game ics
- We strongly recommend that servers set sv_allowDownload "1" to enable clients to autodownload the small 320k pk3 file.
- To run the new Hitmen gametype, simply select it from the Create Server or In-Game Vote Menus. Server ops should add g_gametype hit to their server.cfg and/or maplist.cfg