
Du côté des forums d'Infogrames, Steven Polge de chez Epic Games a posté une liste de changements à venir dans le prochain patch d'UT2003. Comme à l'habitude, tout y passe : gameplay, arsenal, menus, performance, code réseau ainsi que le mode spectateur ont droit à quelques modifications. La liste complète de changements à venir dans le prochain patch est disponible dans les commentaires.

Par ailleurs, le patch n'étant pas terminé, il faut encore s'attendre à voir la liste s'allonger. Pas de date pour la bêta pour l'instant, mais on sait que ce ne sera pas avant le prochain Bonus Pack.
par Zork 1 commentaire par



(#0) 24 février 2003 à 22h56
GamePlay: <br />
- allow several different default characters. Change the default character by adding the following line to the [xGame.xPawn] <br />
section of your user.ini file: <br />
PlacedCharacterName="aname" <br />
where aname can be "Gorge" (the default), "Sapphire", "Malcolm". "Mokara", "Rapier", "Brutalis", or "Horus" <br />
- fixed no instigator bug with goop and grenades if killer was blown up before making kill. <br />
- added new mutator "DelayedSpawn". This mutator delays the initial spawning of superweapons and super powerups (like UDamage, superhealth, and supershield) <br />
- fixed sporadic problem with giving assist credit to players not involved in flag capture in CTF <br />
- fixed sporadic problem with pawns not animating on clients <br />
<br />
Weapons: <br />
- added option to have smaller first person weapons. Off by default. This option is found in the Settings|Player menu, or can be changed in the user.ini <br />
by adding bSmallWeapons=true to the [Engine.PlayerController] section. <br />
- fixed inaccurate replication of remaining translocator charge, causing players not to be able to fire when they seemed to still have charge <br />
- all projectiles and shock beam centered with hidden weapons <br />
- fixed shieldgun autofire misfires <br />
- added more weapon not firing debugging. If your weapon stops firing, type getweaponstats at the console. Then, continue trying to fire your <br />
weapon, so more stats can be gotten. Both client and server must be upgraded to this patch. <br />
- fixed shield gun fire effect when weapon hidden. <br />
<br />
HUD/Scoreboard: <br />
- 4 digit fph <br />
<br />
Performance: <br />
- Improved bPreloadAllSkins for team games. <br />
- set bShouldPreload (in [Engine.LevelInfo] section of UT2003.ini) to true on initial configuration for systems with over 512 MB of memory. <br />
This makes these systems preload all skins, reducing hitches in network play. <br />
<br />
Networking/Servers: <br />
- fixed occasional crash when switching levels for servers with bots <br />
- vampire mutator shows up in server settings <br />
- dynamic netspeed adjust to deal with connections with variable effective bandwidth. Can be turned off by adding the following line to the <br />
[Engine.PlayerController] section of your user.ini file: <br />
bDynamicNetSpeed=false <br />
- fixed distance fog based network relevancy culling. <br />
<br />
Spectating: <br />
- moved "now viewing" in spectator mode to right side of HUD <br />
- show proper HUD color in first person view when spectating in network games
[!] Commentaires fermés pour cette nouvelle.