
Après avoir passé des années à passer plus de temps à chercher des financements qu'à développer leur jeu, les développeurs d'Interstellar Marines commencent enfin à inverser la tendance grâce à l'accès anticipé de Steam. Zero Point Software vient donc de rajouter un mode de jeu intitulé « Deadlock », ajouté avec la dernière mise à jour du titre (update 11). Dans ce mode de jeu par équipe annoncé comme tactique, vous devrez capturer et contrôler 7 points de contrôle dans le niveau.

Ce mode de jeu est accompagné d'une nouvelle carte (Stronghold) et d'une nouvelle arme (AR 03 Assault Rifle avec une lunette 4x ACOG)

La liste complète des changements se trouve dans la suite de la nouvelle.

What's New

ADDED: New game mode titled Deadlock based on taking and holding 7 control zones
ADDED: New AR 03 Assault Rifle with 4x ACOG scope
ADDED: New map titled Stronghold in both Multiplayer and Playground. Stronghold is based on the same Astrodome framework as Colony
ADDED: New modules and new textures across several environmental assets
ADDED: New SARA audio announcements
ADDED: Base suit work-in-progress images added to Spearhead folder


UPDATED: CE-6 SMG has been re-balanced to compliment the AR 03 Assault Rifle
UPDATED: Colony map has received numerous improvements, including new spawn tunnels
UPDATED: Capturing capture zones now rewards the player with Training Points
UPDATED: Evacuation map has been adjusted to work better with the new Deadlock game mode
UPDATED: Number of kill messages has been increased to 5 to provide space for the additional Deadlock game messages
UPDATED: Arch and Operations lighting have been updated
UPDATED: Arch spawns have been updated
UPDATED: CE-6 SMG reload animation has been changed and RDS sight slightly adjusted
UPDATED: Kill messages

Known Issues

The HUD names and kill messages will be clipped on aspect ratios that are less wide than 16:10
Footstep audio and FX does not work on terrain (known bug in Unity 4.3)
Third-person jump animations do not work correctly yet
The game will stop updating when switching out of fullscreen in Windows (known bug in Unity 4.3)
View jittering may occur when jumping on lossy networks
Audio may cut off partially/completely on weapon/helmet sounds
Other players will seem to float above or interpenetrate while standing on moving dynamic platforms (network smoothing will exaggerate this effect)
Mainline and Mainline Winter maps have been temporarily removed
par utr_dragon Commenter


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