
Ça, c'est le genre de nouvelle qui n'intéresse que les vieux comme moi. Mais comme il y a du médiéval, ça me fait plaisir ! Petit rappel : uHexen2 est à Hexen II ce que ioquake3 est à Quake III : une version libre du moteur 3D du jeu, débuggé, amélioré, mais pas dénaturé.

Disponible en 32 bits ou en 64 bits pour toutes les plateformes possibles et imaginables, uHexen2 (également nommé Hammer of Thyrion) est compatible avec vos dernières sauvegardes d'Hexen II 1.11 que vous avez depuis des années dans un coin de votre disque dur (j'ai ainsi terminé ma partie que j'avais commencé il y a 6 ans avec GLHexen). Faites quand même attention : les ennemis ont le QI d'une coquille Saint-Jacques, mais cela ne les empêche pas d'être parfois redoutables. Notez enfin que uHexen2 est un des rares programmes pour Hexen II encore mis à jour régulièrement.

Des décors taillés à la hache, trop beaux !

Les nouveautés (en détails) sont dans la suite de la nouvelle.

Changes since the uhexen2-1.4.3 release:

* bumped the hexen2 engine version to 1.23, and hexenworld engine version
to 0.23. bumped the gamecode version to 1.20.
* added support for ogg, mp3 and wav external music files to be played
instead of the original midi files.
* added interface for music streams to the sound layer, dropped SDL_mixer
dependency. many changes in sound and midi layer. imported libtimidity
into the source tree and applied several fixes.
* sound: changed internal driver interface to provide a better chance of
engine startup with sound, especially for linux (unix) users.
* unix midi: reimplemented through the new music streams interface using
* windows midi: ignore midi hardware volume adjustment capability under
windows vista/7 which fixes music volume control messing with the main
* fixed a bug in multiple zones management, which wasn't easy to hit but
was deadly when it was hit.
* fixed an old obscure game load/save corruption bug.
* fixed an old load bug where items dropped by monsters not being visible
or getting lost upon saving and loading the game.
* fixed an old load bug where prize artifacts in the Temple of Mars not
being visible or getting lost upon saving and loading the game or by
changing the level and reentering.
* fixed an old load bug where killed monsters didn't respawn in nightmare
difficulty in the mission pack upon saving and loading the game or by
changing the level and reentering.
* software renderer (C-only): fixed a segmentation fault with Crusader's
ice mace.
* software renderer: fixed crashes at high resolutions with r_waterwarp
* added new cvar sys_throttle in order to throttle the game loop just a
little bit and run cooler on new fast systems. the default sys_throttle
value is 0.02, acceptable values are between 0 and 1. changing it to 0
disables throttling.
* opengl: fixed overlapping flickering textures, i.e. the infamous brush
model Z-fighting. the fix is controlled by gl_zfix: default value is 1
(enabled). setting it to 0 disables the fix and brings back the old
* opengl: always use GL_LINEAR as lightmap filter. made gl_texturemode
command not affect lightmaps.
* opengl: fixed an issue in net games where joining players would appear
untextured (bug #3288081).
* opengl: updated code to use glGenTextures().
* joystick windows: added support for sixth joystick axis for up movement
controlled by joyupthreshold and joyupsensitivity.
* fixed hexenworld server issue which used to crash servers upon running
the romeric5 (Temple of Mars) map, which now loads fine.
* fixed h2ded (hexen2 dedicated server) bug that the swords on the weapon
racks in the demo2 and the village1 levels would be placed incorrectly
(bug #3344613).
* hexenworld server: fixed segmentation fault in case of bad pointers in
* fixed HexenC bug where, if there were a summoned imp around, a blinked
away wizard wouldn't reappear even after imp went away (bug #3314808).
* fixed a HexenC bug where the summoned imp didn't pick the Egypt snake
boss as an enemy (bug #3314810).
* improved soul spheres' HexenC code.
* fixed a HexenC where medusa's gaze attack sound would persist when she
is dead.
* fixed an Eidolon/imp HexenC bug which used to render Eidolon idle.
* fixed a HexenC bug which would prevent a yakman from appearing during
the 'Trial of Strength' in the 'Temple of Phurbu' (tibet7) level of the
mission pack, rendering the level not completable (bug #1112533).
* fixed a mission pack HexenC bug where a pentacle monster in the tibet1
map became invulnerable when it got crushed by a door.
* fixed a wheel of ages message to report 360 degrees instead of 30 in the
egypt2 map.
* fixed a HexenC bug which might prevent Eidolon to land.
* fixed an Eidolon HexenC bug which might prevent the finale screen to
* fixed a HexenC bug where werepanthers became "undead" when an assassin
killed them by her bombs.
* fixed a mission pack HexenC bug which used to prevent the finale screen
to trigger if Praevus were killed too quickly.
* handled several map quirks thanks to careful works by Thomas Freundt
and Keith Rozett.
* fixed trigger_crosslevel problem with spawnflag 8 which used to prevent
one of the prizes in Temple of Mars to appear.
* removed the ugly hack of reducing teleport push speed to 225 in order
to overcome the problem of reaching the Cathedral's balcony and the holy
cross, and added a modified entities file for the Cathedral map instead.
* added support for external entity file loading which makes it easy to
handle map quirks. ent files are accepted only if they come from the
same game directory as the map itself or from a searchpath with a higher
priority. external entities loading is controlled by external_ents cvar:
default value is 1 (enabled). setting to 0 disables external entities.
* revised lit file loading. lit files are now accepted only if they come
from the same game directory as the map itself or from a searchpath with
a higher priority.
* added new h2patch tool, an easy to use xdelta3-based standalone pak patch
tool for purposes of updating to hexen2 v1.11 data files. updated the
gtk-launcher's patch facility to use the same backend.
* utils, hcc: fixed broken switch statement compilation when there is an
implicit break in the last case.
* utils, dcc: fixed a wrong decompilation of an "if" opcode into a "while";
some source code revision.
* utils, hcc: dropped support for the old version of hcc tool.
* tested compilation using Visual Studio 2010.
* source directory layout reworked, repository moved from cvs to svn.

Changes since uhexen2-1.4.3 mostly during the unreleased 1.4.4-beta cycle:

* fixed the broken software renderer binaries from C++ compilers with x86
assembly enabled (do not use the bool keyword of C++).
* compilations using the new gcc-4.4, 4.5 and 4.6 versions are tested and
* added support for 64 bit windows versions (x64).
* added support for mingw-w64 compilers.
* added support for Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 and Visual Studio 2008.
* filesystem: fixed an oversight with builds without user directories, where
the "-basedir" command line argument failed to change the internal userdir
* fixed stuffcmds so that arguments to commands can have '-' or '+' within
their names. A command like "hexen2 +map mymap-01" works properly now.
* increased default zone memory size to 384kb.
* fixed a rare segmentation fault with certain command line arguments (bug
was introduced sometime between version 1.3.0 and 1.4.0).
* fixed a problem in sound effects code where some teleportation sounds might
have got lost.
* alsa audio: added workarouds for better behavior on some linux setups.
* hexen2 client: pause/resume midi (background music) along with cdaudio upon
pause message.
* windows cdaudio: added -cddev as a new command line option for choosing the
cdrom drive to use. syntax: -cddev E
* windows cdaudio: fixed MCI errors when resuming the last track of a cdrom.
* net: made the socket api usage compatible with windows especially with
relation to 64 bit windows.
* net (hexen2): fixed BSD and Mac OS X socket api usage.
* opengl: reworked text and HUD scaling menu option.
* opengl: fixed an issue that changing resolution from within the game might
crash on Windows Vista.
* software renderer: fixed a long standing stack corruption bug which used
to cause alias models not to be drawn at all.
* stricter checking on the values pulled out of .wav file chunk headers.
* fixed a rare game crash when battling bosses with assassin class, using
the tome of power and launching at the enemy a lot of projectiles.
* renamed model_t to qmodel_t in order to avoid conflicts on solaris.
* fixed the "mirrored prints" problem of hexen2 console at high resolutions.
* fixed the colored prints of hexenworld console.
* fixed 'array going out-of-bounds' (utils/map.c) and bogus 'maybe used
uninitialized' warnings (sbar.c) from gcc-4.3.
* fixes to the SVGALib driver. it is functional now, both for hexen2 and for
hexenworld clients.
* fixed bug #2176384: in windowed mode, when you save using the menus, the
game used to quit the menu without grabbing the mouse properly.
* windows mouse: fixed behavior upon minimize/restore in windowed mode.
* slightly increased the buffersize for sdl audio. made it to print a little
more detailed info at startup.
* fixed hexenworld client message parser so that midi and cdaudio don't play
at the same time.
* launcher, patching: rewritten the inter-threads log printing and fixed the
erratic crashes on smp systems. launcher version is 1.0.5 now.
* hexenworld master server: unknown packets are properly output as hexdump.
hwmaster version is 1.2.6 now.
* other minor fixes.
* 3dfx gamma hacks are disabled by default at compile time (see the Makefile).
* killed compatibility with user directories from HoT-1.4.0 and earlier which
didn't operate with a data1 subdirectory. they are ancient history now.
* added initial support for standalone free contents (mods) as an extra patch.
* utils, jsh2color: worked around a stack corruption resulting in crashes due
to the code's way of dealing with TEX_SPECIAL cases.
* utils, lmp2pcx: Tweaked and documented palette file usage, allowed the
embedded palette again.
* utils, qbsp: accept more than one wad file specified in the value of the
"wad" key. the wad file names must be separated by a semicolon. spaces are
allowed in the file names. quoted paths aren't allowed.
* utils, qbsp: the absolute paths in wad values are not touched, ie. the paths
beginning with a '/' on unix or with a drive specifying string like
"C:\foo\bar.wad" on windows. all other values with no path information or
relative path information are prefixed with the project path. this fixes the
issues reported for qbsp usage from within worldcraft.
* added back some unused code for future reference. removed some truly dead
par Jean-Charles Commenter


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