
Un patch très attendu par les joueurs
Le premier gros patch pour la version PC de HomeFront est en développement chez Digital Extremes et Kaos Studio. Actuellement en phase de test, cette rustine devrait être déployée la semaine prochain via Steam. La liste des changements est assez conséquente et on trouve notamment l'ajout de la possibilité de faire des démos, l'amélioration de la gestion des squads (on peut désormais respawn à côté de ses coéquipiers et ces derniers sont indiqués en bleu sur la carte), des équilibrages des armes (les snipers M200 et M100 font désormais moins mal et seuls les headshots pourront tuer en un seul coup, les RPG font d'avantage de dégâts aux Humvees etc), des optimisations graphiques (notamment un meilleur support des configurations à base de SLI/Crossfire), de nouvelles options dans les menus (D3D 10/11, accélération de la souris etc.).

La liste complète des changements se trouve dans la suite de la nouvelle.

- A DemoURL can now be specified in the server playlist, this is used to indicate the location of stored demo files to user’s in-game (see the multiplayer options screen). A good practice for server admins would be to share the demo folder via FTP, this would allow users to grab demos of games they starred in, and also (very importantly!) allow users and anti-cheat authorities to download evidence for cheat reporting. Incidentally, it is now possible to dump all users unique steamID's from both in-game, and in-demos to the console or text file (this will make reporting abusive players and enforcing bans incredibly easy).

Improved Squad Based Gameplay
- Players will now re-spawn at a point nearest to the closest member of their squad.
- Squad mates will now be colored blue on the mini-map and full-screen maps.

- RPG's now deal additional damage to HMMWV's
- Lowered m200 and m110 sniper rifle damages. The only 1 shot possible is now headshots.
- Flak jacket now has a lower BP cost, and a slight effectiveness buff.
- Diablo damage adjusted
- Weapon is taken out of ADS and accuracy decreases when jumping.

- The Rhino drones weapon attachment was not being properly moved with the Rhino drone on dedicated servers, causing the rockets to fire incorrectly. This is now fixed.
- We have added some animation optimizations for large player games.
- Several UI related improvements were added for large player games .
- Fixed scaling text zooming on Battle Commander when opening up the battle chat or squad UI.
- Switched the buttons around on the load out rename confirmation dialog to better abide by conventions.
- Improved SLI/CrossFireX support.
- A few reported issues with WinXP 64 bit edition have been addressed.
- Improved menu navigation with analogue controls.

General Improvements
- User feedback for kicks and bans has been improved.
- The intermission lobby now displays clan tags.
- Text chat is now possible in the kill cam, spawn selection, and intermission lobby screens.

New Settings & Control Options
- EnableD3D10/11 is now accessible via the system settings menu.
- Mouse acceleration is now accessible via the controls menu.
- Mouse smoothing is now accessible via the controls menu.
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