Les serveurs n'ont plus qu'à effectuer la transition vers cette version « R7 ».
All dedicated servers are currently patching to the new server build just released by DICE, R7, which has quite a few fixes:
- Several common crash fixes. Especially those which have monitoring scripts that rely on the Remote Admin interface should see stability improvements.
- PunkBuster can send commands to Remote Admin interface (so ‘pb_sv_task 0 -1’ works)
- Veteran-rank handling corrected (it was broken in R6 and possibly earlier)
- Switched back to Release version of the low-level networking library; less debug output but higher performance
- Increased the initial server reconnection interval to 30+rand(30) seconds
- PB GUID generation is now based on EA account IDs (it used to be based on persona names)
- Added new command line options which allow providers to easily maintain server GUID's