
battlefieldbadcompany2_002.jpgUne nouvelle update pour Battlefield : Bad Company 2 d'être diffusée par DICE. Affectant uniquement les serveurs de la version PC, elle corrige des problèmes de crashs, ainsi qu'un bug qui empêchait les vétérans de Battlefield 1943 de disposer du M1 Garrand, et réintègre une librairie réseau bas niveau (ce qui devrait se traduire par une charge CPU diminuée).

Les serveurs n'ont plus qu'à effectuer la transition vers cette version « R7 ».

All dedicated servers are currently patching to the new server build just released by DICE, R7, which has quite a few fixes:
  • Several common crash fixes. Especially those which have monitoring scripts that rely on the Remote Admin interface should see stability improvements.
  • PunkBuster can send commands to Remote Admin interface (so ‘pb_sv_task 0 -1’ works)
  • Veteran-rank handling corrected (it was broken in R6 and possibly earlier)
  • Switched back to Release version of the low-level networking library; less debug output but higher performance
  • Increased the initial server reconnection interval to 30+rand(30) seconds
  • PB GUID generation is now based on EA account IDs (it used to be based on persona names)
  • Added new command line options which allow providers to easily maintain server GUID's
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