Pour fêter ça, le développeur a préparé un bundle sur son site officiel avec Shattered Horizon + 3DMark Vantage Advanced Edition pour le prix de 24.95€.
La liste complète des changements apportés par cette mise à jour ainsi que les caractéristiques du serveur dédié se trouvent dans la suite de la nouvelle.
Dedicated server features
- GUI for creating custom level rotations, game settings and player limits.
- Custom server name, graphic and information URL.
- Optional password protection for private matches.
- Remote admin console accessible within Shattered Horizon game client.
- Configurable auto-team balancing.
- Configurable auto-kick / ban for team-killers and high-ping connections.
- Built-in anti-cheat detection with configurable auto-kick / ban.
- Admin manual kick / ban.
- Support for VAC.
- Registered servers can submit player stats and achievements to the official leaderboards (registration is optional and free).
- LAN game support.
- Supported operating systems: Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008. Note, DirectX 10 is not required for running a Shattered Horizon server.
Shattered Horizon Update
The release of the server is accompanied by a minor game update.
- HUD: Ammo count is no longer shown in scoped mode when running silent.
- HUD: When a player tries to capture a control point that is blocked by an enemy player the word "Blocked" will appear on the HUD.
- HUD: Chat is now enabled during silent running or while EMPed.
- Network protocol updated to support new server features.
- Added console for remote server control.
- Added "rules" section to in-game server browser, so players can choose servers with or without friendly fire or team auto-balancing for example.
- Server disconnect messages now include more information about the reason for disconnection for example, kicked for cheating, team-killing or high ping.
- Bug fix: Improved error handling during start-up logo videos.