Comme d'habitude avec Steam, le patch sera téléchargé automatiquement avant le prochain lancement du jeu.
La liste complète des changements se trouve dans la suite de la nouvelle.
* Optimized game content to reduce memory usage and improve loading times
* Fixed acheivements that weren't working, 3 Map Achievements for KF-Bedlam, Dot of Doom, and Mr. Perky. Mr. Perky was appearing as though it had been reset(it was working behind the scenes, but the menu functionality was not working)
* Fixed an exploit related to weapon dropping/selling in the Perks system(that people used heavily with the Medic Gun). This exploit could be used to buy a weapon on a discount and give it to someone else that would sell the weapon for a huge profit
* Fixed errors in Perk Descriptions (such as the menu saying the level five Sharpshooter get Dual Handcannons, when he actually gets the Lever Action Rifle)
* Fixed exploits in maps Wyre and Bedlam