
callofduty5_059.jpgLes petits gars de chez Activision et Treyarch concoctent actuellement un nouveau patch pour Call of Duty 5 : World at War dont la date de sortie est encore inconnue.

Sont au programme la correction de quelques bugs récurents ainsi que des ajouts mineurs. Il est question également du Call of Duty TV (CODTV) qui permet de lire les démos et qui devrait être supporté avec cette nouvelle mise à jour.

Le Map Pack 2 sorti dernièrement sur Xbox 360 et PlayStation 3 (PS3) ne sera pas inclu à la mise à jour mais sortira ultérieurement.

Voici le Changelog:
PC Patch 1.5:

# CO-OP hosts can now kick players from their lobby
# Improved dog spawning in MP
# Addressed an issue with Zombie pathing
# Fixed an instance of the player model displaying incorrectly
# Some unhandled exception errors have been addressed
# Improved server browser’s refresh functionality when the Source is set to ‘Favorites’
# Added support for CODTV
# “cg_DrawFPS 1” now only displays FPS and cg ms/frame
# Added RCon command "teamstatus" to display players’ team information

Additionally, the following Modding items have been addressed – modders take note:

# Mods: Added joinsquad script function
# Mods: Players can now join CO-OP lobbies that are hosting map names with more than eighteen characters
# Mods: Users can now load custom maps when the usermaps folder contains fifty or more custom maps
# Mods: Removed the loading of duplicate assets that contributed to the ‘2048 materials’ error
# Mods: Increased the amount of mods displayable in the Mods menu
# Mods: Fixed a crash related to the mod.arena file

I’d like to call attention to the CoDTV support – we’ve been working closely with Garetjax, the creator of CoDTV.tv over the past few months. It is important to note: we did not create or integrate CoDTV into Call of Duty: World at War; rather, we implemented the necessary support functionality into the game client for his CoDTV program to function.

Finally, we are continuing to work on support for Map Pack 2 on the PC. I have no specific information to provide on this yet, but I will update the community when there are more details.
par Tony Chopper 1 commentaire par Zhao
Partager | Source : Voodoo extreme



Nb msg : 469
(#1) 23 juin 2009 à 15h48
A ce rythme la on aura les nouvelles maps dans 3 mois.
La paix par la force. La liberté par les armes. L’obéissance par la peur.
[!] Commentaires fermés pour cette nouvelle.