
killingfloor_005.jpgTripwire Interactive vient de sortir un nouveau patch pour Killing Floor qui limite le nombre de dialogues en jeu, corrige quelques bugs mineurs et améliore l'aspect communautaire en jeu avec un nouvel onglet permettant de voir si vos amis sont en jeu.

Comme d'habitude avec Steam, le jeu se mettra à jour dès que vous le lancerez.

La liste complète des changements se trouve dans la suite de la nouvelle.
Killing Floor

* Added settings for the Voice Message system to reduce the amount of messages played.
* Added a Friends tab to the Multiplayer menu which allows players to quickly see which servers their Steam Friends are playing on.
* Fixed a common crash involving Sprite Emitters, generally caused by using a Flame Thrower and/or multiple Grenades.
* Fixed players with Level 5 Perks not always getting their default weapon when they spawn.
* Fixed Clots not grabbing players that do not have the Commando Perk selected.
* Improved usability of filter system by moving it directly into the Internet Server Browser area.
* Fixed servers with a maximum of more than 6 players allowing Perks to progress.
* Limited the number of respawns to once per wave to stop exploiters from getting extra money and guns by suiciding.
* Fixed more exploits in KF-Manor, KF-BioticsLab, and KF-WestLondon
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