Cette rustine existe en deux versions, l'une pour les versions numériques du jeu et l'autre pour les bonnes vielles boites ; l'une et l'autre pouvant se télécharger via le site officiel du jeu pour 929 Mo, tout de même.
La liste complète des changements se trouve dans la suite de la nouvelle.
PC patch 1.3.0 is now available and includes the following features:
New Map – Hindsight
New Map – Sunder
New Map – Wide Awake
New Map – Infiltration
New Vehicle – WC AB-11 Bomber Jet
- The AB-11 is a medium-range bomber that is loaded with 6 cluster bombs. These bombs will devastate nearly anything they hit. To aid in bombing runs, the AB-11 includes a bomber cam which aims directly at the ground, no matter how the jet is positioned in the air. The AB-11 also includes a rapid-fire cannon in the nose for clearing infantry and tanks. The engines of the AB-11 include dual elrons to allow for faster turns. When compared to the WC fighter jet, the AB-11 is not as fast, but far more maneuverable. The AB-11 is also stealthed against missile lock-on’s.
- To use Bomber Cam - Hold Middle Mouse Button while in exterior view
New Vehicle – RS MRB-131 Bomber Jet
- To compete with the Western Coalition’s AB-11, the Red Star have developed their own bomber, the MRB-131. This bomber is designed with one purpose: unleash as much firepower into the enemy as possible. Small and maneuverable, the MRB-131 carries a front-mounted cannon for air-to-air and air-to-ground combat. On its wings are a pair of forward-firing rocket launchers, similar to the Red Star attack helicopter. The Red Star MRB-131 also includes a rear-mounted camera, so the pilot can see an enemy approaching from behind.
- To use Rear-view Cam - Hold Middle Mouse Button while in exterior view
New Weapon – Anti-Air Rocket Launcher
- The Anti-Air Rocket fires a high velocity projectile designed to cripple enemy aircraft. Though the rocket has no target lock, the rockets are built with a proximity detect which will detonate the rocket if it is near a target. The rocket will cause damage to a nearby enemy aircraft, but it will do more damage if the target is hit directly. Though they are lethal against jets and heli’s, they have a hard time punching through land vehicle armor.
Leaderboard Fix has been implemented for the Roles and Loadout tabs – They now record both Ranked & Unranked game information
Server Browser has been fixed and will now only show legitimate Ranked servers.