
openarena_006.jpgOpenArena, le FPS gratuit basé sur le Quake III Engine, continue son petit bonhomme de chemin, et en ces temps calmes, c'est la version 0.7.6 qui pointe le bout de son nez, avec un petit tas d'améliorations et de corrections.

On remarquera surtout l'ajout de trois modes de jeux, du Last Man Standing, de la Double domination, de l'Elimination et du CTF elimination. Pour pouvoir profiter de ces nouveaux modes de jeux, les développeurs ont créé 8 nouvelles cartes et ajouté 2 models et deux skins. Enfin, dernier ajout significatif, matérialisé par un mode Instan Gib (arme qui tue en un coup) et un mode All-rocket (tout le monde est muni du lance-roquettes). Comme quoi, ça ne chôme pas du côté des FPS gratos.

Le téléchargement peut s'effectuer via Gamer's Hell ou modBD pour un peu moins de 270 Mo.

La liste complète des changements (anglais) se trouve dans la suite de la nouvelle.

- New player model : Assassin. This guy kills for greed.
- New player model : Space Marine. This guy serves his Corps. In SPACE.
- New player skin : Angelyss/Neko. Mew!!!!!! :3
- New player skin : Grism/Indigo. A homage of that other game.
- Ayumi/Neko, Angelyss/Sly have been atticed due to quality reasons.
- Text font (bigchars.tga) used by console and hud messages now doesn't bleed anymore.
- Special characters added for text font (bigchars.tga) used by some mods. If you've ever encountered a "?" where it shouldn't be in a mod, this should really fix it
- lots of maps and changed maps, at least 8 new significant maps to play! This includes the reworked oa_dm3 and oa_dm5.
- oa_ctf2 is more balanced, slightly retextured.
- Elimination and CTF elimination game types. No one respawns until the round is over.
- Double domination game type. Two teams must control two points on the map for 10 seconds to score.
- Last Man Standing game type. The name of the game is self explanatory.
- Instant Gib option, gives everyone only a railgun that does kills instantly.
- All Rockets option, makes everyone only have a rocket launcher.
- Alt-tab working.
- Unlagged tracehits option, provides a more responsive feel for railguns, machineguns and shotguns.
- Classic Grism aren't teamskins anymore. This means the 'white' skin will not show up during team games. In addition, the skins can be used for FFA again.
- Completely in SDL.
- A lot of other stuff we forgot like minor polishings. There's lots of it and too many to mention here.
par utr_dragon 1 commentaire par Seventhwave
Partager | Source : Gamer's Hell



Nb msg : 873
(#1) 22 avril 2008 à 21h49
Rock'n'roll !
[Édité par Seventhwave le 22/04/2008 à 21h50.]
Les FPS, c'est de la merde.
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