La liste complète des changements (anglais) se trouve dans la suite de la nouvelle.
- Steambuchet and battering ram turn speeds increased. They should feel a bit more maneuverable now
- Battering ram's flames ability no longer freeze the battering ram in place for their duration
- Behemoth's shockwave mana cost decreased from 75 to 60
- Behemoth's stomp mana cost decreased from 125 to 90
- Behemoth's trunk slam mana cost decreased from 75 to 60
- Tempest meteor now properly deals splash damage rather than full damage to all entities in the splash radius
- Devourer's vomit ability impacts a much wider radius, making it easier to hit opponents with
- Consume corpse does not make the devourer grow quite as big (maximum 60% size, down from 75%)
- Decay no longer harms the devourer. Mana cost per second increased from 4 to 7
- Moderately decreased overall exp earned from attacking structures. It's still more rewarding to attack a structure over attacking a player in terms of experience.
- Shield generators now stop tempest's meteor
- Grimm's wall on morning had its HP reverted back to 8000 for now. This will help with ranged siege attacking from behind the walls. A more permanent fix is in the works, at which time we will increase the wall health again.
- Devourer unit can no longer pick up items from NPCs
- More path finding improvements
- Fixed the "donate all" button on the loadout screen
- Made it easier to target corpses as the devourer after leveling up in size a few times
- OpenGL renderer: Fixed volume texture mipmap issues