Vous trouverez ce patch en exclusivité sur Patches-scrolls.de, pour 145 Mo si vous voulez passer de la version 1.2 à la version 4.7, ou seulement 13 Mo si vous possédez déjà la version 4.6 et que vous souhaitez passez à la 4.7.
La liste complète des changements se trouve dans la suite de l'article.
v4.7 14.02.2008
- Created seperate quest for freeing Ash from the Society of Leopold
- Added seperate quest and an xp for saving Heather by ghouling her
- Created seperate quest for Gary's posters and lowered some of them
- Added seperate quest for exploiting thin-blood Copper by the pier
- Made inventory icon and damage stats visible for the Protean claws
- Added patch version information to base character creation window
- Forced talking to Boris sequence even if you removed Dema silently
- Prevented Gary's posters from appearing also in your unused haven
- Restored cash box item into Gallery Noir and added inspection node
- Seperated Malcom's overlapping diplomas and fixed some more sounds
- Removed Heather reference on Malcom's computer after she has left
- Repaired bugs regarding quest updates when talking to the Mandarin
- Turned power on and timer off on re-visiting the Kamikaze Zen map
- Fixed bug that prevented the CD quest to initialize in a rare case
- Removed Kuei-jin's burning death and invisible block at warehouse
- Locked a double door in Ming's temple that would open accidentally
- Added quest logs for Isaac's gift and replaced Dane report object
- Fixed a Vandal endgame condition and removed more Nadia not-voices