Le jeu se déroule sur Mars en 2043, les joueurs incarnent des mercenaires exécutant des contrats pour des sociétés se faisant la guerre dans des environnements urbains/industriels. Ces contrats vont bien évidemment rapporter de l'argent sous forme d'une devise virtuelle servant à acheter de nouvelles armes et équipements dans le jeu. A mesure que vous évoluez dans le jeu, vous gagnerez en expérience, ce qui vous permettra d'ouvrir votre propre petite concession de mercenaires. Ce système permettra en fait de créer des clans et de recruter des joueurs pour ces derniers mais sera matérialisé dans le jeu par une devanture de magasin.
Uniquement multijoueur, le titre propose des batailles pouvant aller jusqu'à 16 joueurs simultanément et 8 campagnes se déroulant dans des environnements extérieurs.
Sur le papier, le jeu s'annonce plutôt prometteur, sur le papier uniquement. La première image du jeu, qui illustre cette nouvelle, va vite vous faire revenir sur terre. Le plus étonnant, c'est que Echelon Software annonce travailler sur l'Unreal Engine 3 pour proposer des « graphismes de prochaine génération. »
En outre, FileFront propose de télécharger le premier trailer du jeu. Ce dernier ne fait que jeter quelques bases du jeu et ne montre absolument rien.
Echelon Unites Multiplayer Action with Social Networking in Tactical FPS action combines with a persistent virtual marketplace for an entirely new gaming experience
New York, NY- Jun 26, 2007 Echelon Software announces Black Power Red Earth, a multiplayer-only first-person shooter that combines highly stylized visuals and fast-moving tactical action with a persistent virtual marketplace and social network. Co-designed by former US Special Operations Forces members and private security contractors with operational experience in 32 countries on four continents, including Afghanistan and Iraq, BPRE captures the insane pace of high speed direct action missions like no game ever before!
"Rather than build an elaborate 3D world space, BPRE uses the same framework commonly found on the Web for social networking. Players are already used to creating and managing online identities on sites like Myspace and Orkut. They are also buying and selling real and virtual products on sites like Ebay, iTunes and Amazon. By using these familiar tools, BPRE keeps the learning curve as flat as possible," says Jon Chang, president of Echelon. "Best of all, unbinding these activities from the game executable gives players access to the world of BPRE either from inside the game or from the outside via any Web-enabled device. Persistence is the real world, anytime the players want it."
Set on Mars in 2043, Players act as mercenary soldiers executing contracts for warring corporations in a variety of urban/industrial sprawls, using bleeding edge weapons in hi-tech team based battles for virtual currency that can be used to purchase new weapons, upgrade existing weapons, buy armor and tactical enhancements to fine tune their in-game experience. As players rank up, they will also be able to open their own mercenary franchises. These franchises provide a base for recruiting other players into a clan, offer in- game advantages for members and allow the owners to open their own storefronts that compete against the game MSRPs and can generate "cash" from new players of the game. "FPS games are 'pick up and play' games that provide instant gratification with short, fast rounds and specific limited goals," Chang continues. "In BPRE we've extended that by rewarding players with in-game currency that can be used to customize the experience and set up their own in-game enterprises. Echelon has detached the social network and virtual marketplace from the game itself, so that it can be accessed from any Web-enabled device!"
Black Powder Red Earth Features:
Game features include:
• Multiplayer-only, allowing up to 16 players to battle online together
• Next-generation graphics powered by Unreal Engine 3
• 8 contract campaign plays out in a detailed near-future 3D environments
• Earn "virt cash" to collect more than 100 parts and accessories
• Customize weapons, browse for new items, and build a career in a familiar Web interface in- game or from any Web browser at any time!
• Build a franchise private military company (PMC) with other players or create a competing store front to sell arms and gear to other players
• Association with former PMC operatives ensures realistic game play