Le scénario s'annonce comme un bon gros bordel, jugez plutôt : alors que vous êtes sur le point de mourir, une mystérieuse organisation vous sauve la vie et fait de vous son soldat intertemporel. Vous vous retrouvez ainsi à combattre pendant la première Guerre Mondiale ou encore lors de la guerre d'indépendance américaine. Cinq périodes historiques devrait être au rendez-vous.
Pour l'instant le jeu n'a ni date de sortie, ni image, juste un site officiel en forme de compte à rebours, plus d'informations dans une bonne vingtaine de jours.
L'annonce complète (Anglais) se trouve dans la suite de la nouvelle.
(Cedar Falls, IA) – May 23, 2007 – Phantom EFX, a leading developer and publisher of interactive entertainment titles for PC and Mac, today announced Darkest of Days, a story-rich first-person shooter and the company’s first foray into the hardcore PC game arena. Created by newly formed developer 8Monkey Labs, the game presents an intriguing story of time-travel to some of the darkest periods in the history of mankind and melds it with amazing graphics and physics powered by the developer’s proprietary Marmoset game engine.
In Darkest of Days, the action begins with the player being ripped from his period in time by a mysterious organization moments before his grisly death. In order to ensure the future of mankind, he is then tasked with the mission to travel back and forth through time – to famous, turning-point battle campaigns in world history – acting as the organization’s agent in a larger, seemingly otherworldly, battle between good and evil.
Using a combination of both futuristic and historical weapons, players will be immersed in a world where in one instant they will be fighting against the Huns in World War I and the next find themselves battling at Antietam in the U.S. Civil War. A variety of combat missions, such as stealth, artillery assaults, and sniper attacks will keep players on their toes through dozens of levels spread out over five historical time periods – all while discovering the secrets of the mysterious organization for which they have been working. Fighting on one side of the action, then sometimes coming back to fix mistakes on the opposing side gives the player a chance to experience conflicts from both sides.
“All of us at Phantom EFX and 8Monkey are dedicated to making an immersive, exciting and completely well-rounded title for our first venture into the hardcore gaming arena,” said Aaron Schurman, CEO, Phantom EFX. “We’re confident that Darkest of Days is going to exceed our expectations and absolutely blow away any fans of first-person shooters – especially those craving a deep and engrossing story to drive the action.”