
En parallèle de la mise à jour du Source engine, Valve Software corrige quelques bugs gênants qui étaient encore présents dans Steam, sa plateforme de téléchargement et d'utilisation d'applications.

La principale innovation apportée par ce patch est la possibilité de désinstaller des jeux téléchargés via Steam dans Ajout/Suppression de programmes de Windows.
Steam Client

* Added uninstall links to the Windows "Add/Remove Programs" Control Panel for installed Steam games
* Fixed "The Ship" Half-Life mod not showing in the games list
* Fixed double listing of Half-Life games in the Serverbrowser filter list
* Fixed hang when uninstalling media or tools from the game properties page
* Fixed backup and restore wizard to correctly handle very large files in a game
* Significantly reduced memory usage during reinstallation of a backup
* Improved speed of multi-disk backup and restores
* Made the "the registry is in use by another process" error much less likely to happen
par utr_dragon Commenter
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